These photos were taken in the woods around Southern Vermont College at the base of Mt. Anthony. There's a lot to find in the woods around the school but its also really dark with all the trees and overcast. The first photo is a bird house I found a few hundred feet away from the school and it was off the trail. It appears to have had a bee hive on it at one point but no longer. The second photo is of a foam block that is floating in a little pool of water. The pool is connected to an irrigation system of some sort and the block is tired to a hose. In the water there were a bunch of tadpoles and lizards swimming around. If you go near the water they all swim out from the algae which is cool. It also seemed to be really deep for such a small pool of water. There were strands of algae on the bottom which reached the top of the water and looked to be over 3 feet in length. I am curious how deep the pool actually is and whats at the bottom. Lastly is a picture of the old walk way behind the mansion. The bricks start in the middle of the walk way and then start to go down hill which suggest that it has been eroding for quite some time. As you go farther down the walkway bricks start to disappear and then it just becomes all dirt. Can't wait for it all to be snow.